STOmics STOmics

Talent development Talent development
Talent development
We provide a fair career development environment together with employees to creat value and share development result
STOmics> About>Career at STOmics>Talent cultivation

Compensation system

We provide competitive and incentive compensation packages.STOmics compensation system is job-based. It reflects differences in capabilities, stimulates value creation, provides a fair and just career development environment for employees, encourages employees to improve their proactiveness and creativity, while creating growth value and sharing developmental results together with employees.

Employee Career Development System

STOmics “dual-channel” career development system consists of human resource management and professional development, ensuring STOmics employees’ multi-channel development. Employees are given diverse options and are encouraged to pursue a zigzag career development path.

Training & Development

STOmics offers multiple training programs for talent acquisition and development and provides employees with open opportunities for growth, enabling the development and growth of talents in both strategic thinking and strong execution capabilities.