STOmics STOmics

Transcriptomics mIF Solution
Co-detection of protein and RNA in a single experiment for extensible applications in tissue and cellular type study.
Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
Transcriptomics mIF Solution
Co-detection of protein and RNA in a single experiment for extensible applications in tissue and cellular type study.
Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
Transcriptomics mIF Solution
Co-detection of protein and RNA in a single experiment for extensible applications in tissue and cellular type study.
Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
STOmics> Products>STOmics Solutions>Stereo-seq Solutions
Solution Overview Product Highlight Key features Demo Data Workflow
Solution Overview
Combing whole transcriptomics, protein detection, and tissue morphological information on the same tissue section allows for in-depth spatial multi-omics discovery. Studying cellular heterogeneity empowers the discovery of new biomarkers, identifying the cellular origin of important expressed proteins within healthy and abnormal tissue microenvironments. It also further advances immuno-oncology research by studying how immune cells respond to tumor development, and what are the genes and proteins that are involved in the regulation processes.

Stereo-seq transcriptomics mIF solution enables spatial visualization of multiple proteins in single-cell resolution on top of the unbiased whole transcriptome information on the same tissue slice. Without affecting mRNA capturing, the additional detected protein information can be integrated with gene expression data to in-depth evaluate valuable samples, and to parse complex pathological and physiological processes.
Solution Overview
Product Highlight
High fidelity protein staining imaging for enhanced spatial protein identification
Detect multiple proteins with unbiased whole transcriptome simultaneously in fresh frozen and PFA fixed samples.
Flexibility in choosing antibodies based on user's research needs and project design.
Co-detection of protein and RNA in a single experiment for extensible applications in tissue and cellular type study.
Key features
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
Demo Data
Mouse testis
  • Section size: ~16.3 mm²
  • Number of mapped spatial barcodes (CIDs) under tissue: ~29.5 M
  • Number of genes: 356 (bin 20, 20 × 20 DNB)
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
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