STOmics STOmics

Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
The one and only spatial transcriptomics solution achieves both centimeter level FOV (now up to 2cm x 3cm) with subcellular resolution for efficient capturing of the whole transcriptome
Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
The one and only spatial transcriptomics solution achieves both centimeter level FOV (now up to 2cm x 3cm) with subcellular resolution for efficient capturing of the whole transcriptome
Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
The one and only spatial transcriptomics solution achieves both centimeter level FOV (now up to 2cm x 3cm) with subcellular resolution for efficient capturing of the whole transcriptome
Stereo-seq Transcriptomics Solution Stereo-seq Transcriptomics mIF Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
STOmics> Products>STOmics Solutions>Stereo-seq Solutions
Solution Overview Product Highlight Workflow Stereo-seq Kit Solutions Demo Data
Solution Overview
STOmics Stereo-seq Transcriptomics for Large Chip Designs (LCD) pioneers the whole transcriptome study for entire tissue sections. Stereo-seq for Large Chip Designs is firstly offered to the market - 1cm x 2cm, 2cm x 2cm, 2cm x 3cm. Compatible for all species (FF samples), it enables a “tissue-to-data” solution through in situ capture of the whole transcriptome, at nanoscale resolution and centimeter-sized field of view.
Solution Overview
Product Highlight
Large Capture Area
Larger capture area with chip sizes up to 2cm by 3cm without compromising the capture efficiency
Unlimited by species and tissue types, compatible with fresh frozen samples
Robust Bioinfromatics Tools
Proprietary cell segmentation algorithm integrated on Stereo-seq Analysis Workflow (SAW) transforming data to information
Whole Transcriptome
Unbiased in situ capturing of the whole transcriptome with true nanoscale resolution
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
Perform Stereo-seq in your own laboratory
with Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
Advance towards a more accurate and in-depth saptial single-cell omics study with Stereo-seq's robust chemistry and efficient bioinformatics tools.

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