STOmics STOmics

Stereo-CITE Proteo-Transcriptomics Solution
Unbiased spatial profiling of the whole transcriptome and hundreds of protein markers on the same tissue section at single-cell resolution.
Stereo-seq Solutions Stereo-seq OMNI Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs Stereo-CITE Solution
Stereo-CITE Proteo-Transcriptomics Solution
Unbiased spatial profiling of the whole transcriptome and hundreds of protein markers on the same tissue section at single-cell resolution.
Stereo-seq Solutions Stereo-seq OMNI Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs Stereo-CITE Solution
Stereo-CITE Proteo-Transcriptomics Solution
Unbiased spatial profiling of the whole transcriptome and hundreds of protein markers on the same tissue section at single-cell resolution.
Stereo-seq Solutions Stereo-seq OMNI Solution Stereo-seq Large Chip Designs Stereo-CITE Solution
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Solution Overview Product Highlight Workflow Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Stereo-seq Kit Solutions FAQ
Solution Overview
Combined with Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by Sequencing (CITE-seq), STOmics Stereo-CITE Proteo-Transcriptomics Set is intended for simultaneous detection of the whole transcriptome and 100+ plex protein on the same tissue section.
Stereo-CITE facilitates the study of tissue heterogeneity and associated biological significance in complex (disease) tissues, leading to a broader understanding of spatial omics studies.
Solution Overview
Product Highlight
No auto-fluorescence interference or antigen instability caused by multiple rounds of detection
High detection efficiency of 100+ plex proteins with antibody combinations of your choice from in-house validated vendor
True single-cell resolution for both transcriptome and protein analysis
Unbiased spatial profiling of whole transcriptome and hundreds of protein markers on the same tissue section
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
Perform Stereo-CITE in your own laboratory
with Stereo-seq Kit Solutions
Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution Tissue to Data End-to-end Solution
Q Can pre-mixed commercially available antibody cocktails be used for this experiment?
Yes, currently validated mouse antibody cocktails include the TotalSeq™-A Mouse Universal Cocktail, V1.0 (Biolegend, Cat. No. 199901, for mouse samples, consisting of 119 antibodies) and the TotalSeq™-A Human Universal Cocktail, V1.0 (Biolegend, Cat. No. 399907, for human samples, consisting of 154 antibodies).
Q The current protocol uses PFA to fix the sections at room temperature after tissue sectioning. Can the sample be fixed with PFA before OCT embedding for subsequent experiments?
Currently, the Stereo-CITE Proteo-Transcriptome protocol is not compatible with PFA-fixed samples and is only suitable for freshly embedded samples.
Q How many proteins can the current product detect simultaneously? What are the main research areas of these protein targets?
This product is compatible with three types of protein antibody panels for detecting different numbers of proteins.
(1) Commercial protein panels, such as TotalSeq™-A Mouse Universal Cocktail, V1.0 (Biolegend, Cat. No. 199901) and TotalSeq™-A Human Universal Cocktail, V1.0 (Biolegend, Cat. No. 399907). These panels can detect 119 and 154 proteins (excluding isotype controls), respectively. The proteins targeted by these panels are mainly cell surface proteins, including those used for immune cell typing.
(2) Freely mixed TotalSeq ™ -A series antibodies, with the number of proteins depending on your selection;
(3) Freely mixed self-conjugated antibodies. For example, you can use the Stereo-seq self-conjugation kit to conjugate your primary antibodies of interest with antibody-derived-tag (ADT) oligonucleotides. After verifying that these antibodies are compatible with the Stereo-CITE workflow, you can freely mix them to achieve the desired number of proteins.
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