STOmics STOmics

SAW Software Operation Manual SAW Software Operation Manual
SAW Software Operation Manual
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SAW operation manual
Display of test data results
Users may refer to this section as a format for testing SAW process, of the files show in this chapter as the reference in testing SAW pipelines. This chapter includes the statistics results and examples of critical files for each key step.
"…" in the demo stands for some lines of log information that can be omitted.
1. mapping
1.1 Statistical Report for CID Mapping and Filtering
$ cat /path/to/output/01.mapping/E100026571_L01_trim_read_1_barcodeMap.stat ...
getBarcodePositionMap_uniqBarcodeTypes: 645784920
total_reads:                            1002214171
reads_with_polyA:                   	131113905       13.08%
reads_filteredByPolyA:                  22008148        2.20%
mapped_reads:                           826344259       82.45%
reads_with_adapter:                     9007116         0.90%
reads_with_dnb:                         42264284        4.22%
barcode_exactlyOverlap_reads:           682746301       68.12%
barcode_misOverlap_reads:               143590127       14.33%
barcode_withN_reads:                    7831            0.00%
reads_with_rRNA:                        0               0.00%
Q10_bases_in_barcode:                                   99.54%
Q20_bases_in_barcode:                                   97.49%
Q30_bases_in_barcode:                                   91.74%
Q10_bases_in_umi:                                       99.26%
Q20_bases_in_umi:                                       96.32%
Q30_bases_in_umi:                                       89.45%
Q10_bases_in_seq:                                       99.47%
Q20_bases_in_seq:                                       97.12%
Q30_bases_in_seq:                                       91.08%
umi_filter_reads:                       8265089         0.82%
umi_with_N_reads:                       13025           0.00%
umi_with_polyA_reads:                   12365           0.00%
umi_with_low_quality_base_reads:        8239699         0.82%
mapped_dnbs: 75619113

1.2 Statistical Report for Reference Genome Alignment

$ cat /path/to/output/01.mapping/
                      Number of input reads |        769052654                      
                  Average input read length |        95                                    
                                UNIQUE READS:                   
               Uniquely mapped reads number |        645319822                        
                    Uniquely mapped reads % |        83.91%                          
                      Average mapped length |        95.14                       
                   Number of splices: Total |        67634124            
        Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) |        65711163                       
                   Number of splices: GT/AG |        66445242                       
                   Number of splices: GC/AG |        457783                       
                   Number of splices: AT/AC |        41573               
           Number of splices: Non-canonical |        689526                      
                  Mismatch rate per base, % |        0.50%                         
                     Deletion rate per base |        0.07%                        
                    Deletion average length |        3.91                        
                    Insertion rate per base |        0.03%                       
                   Insertion average length |        1.25                             
                         MULTI-MAPPING READS:        
    Number of reads mapped to multiple loci |        87828411             
         % of reads mapped to multiple loci |        11.42%        
    Number of reads mapped to too many loci |        5333051             
          % of reds mapped to too many loci |        0.69%                                  
                              UNMAPPED READS:  
Number of reads unmapped: too many mismatches |        0       
   % of reads unmapped: too many mismatches |        0.00%            
        Number of reads unmapped: too short |        29365488                 
             % of reads unmapped: too short |        3.82%                
            Number of reads unmapped: other |        1205882                     
                 % of reads unmapped: other |        0.16%                                  
                              CHIMERIC READS:                       
                   Number of chimeric reads |        0                            
                        % of chimeric reads |        0.00%
1.3 Example of mapping BAM
$ samtools view /path/to/output/01.mapping/E100026571_L01_trim_read_1.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | head -2
  E100026571L1C007R00303973559    256     1       3000644 3       100M    *       0       0       GCCTCATTGTGCCCCATATGTTTGCCTATGTTGTGGACTTATTTTCATTAAACTTTAAAACATCTTTAATTTTTTTCTTTATTTCATCATTGACCAAGCT    -FCA9D?GFFD<-D<cgfegd-dg*fgfdfbe;e(9bgge38fffg9gg;0?ggfgb?e@g:ggg3gf79f0ggdg?g
2. merge
2.1 Example of Mapped CID List with Reads Count File
$ head /path/to/output/02.merge/SS200000135TL_D1.merge.barcodeReadsCount.txt
  7127    18002   48
  4348    19028   1
  14130   8635    1
  7618    14537   24
  4912    10945   5
  16783   12914   1
  15539   8177    1
  9288    8082    14
  7274    16533   59
  9087    10657   10
3. count

3.1 Statistical Report for MID Filtering and Gene Annotation

$ cat /path/to/output/03.count/
733148233       645319822       533743961       108363128       11.98   17.29   79.70
645319822       645319822       484480416       49263545        111575861       533743961       110185975
100.0           100.0           75.1            7.6             17.3            82.7            17.1
3.2 Example of Annotated BAM
$ samtools view /path/to/output/03.count/ | head -2
E100026571L1C007R00303973559    768     1       3000644 3       100M    *       0       0       GCCTCATTGTGCCCCATATGTTTGCCTATGTTGTGGACTTATTTTCATTAAACTTTAAAACATCTTTAATTTTTTTCTTTATTTCATCATTGACCAAGCT    -FCA9D?GFFD<-D<CGFEGD-DG*FGFDFBE;E(9BGGE38FFFG9GG;0?GGFGB?E@G:GGG3GF79F0GGDG?G<D>F;EG,G?<<CD4>G=>B+C    NH:i:2  HI:i:1  AS:i:94 nM:i:2  Cx:i:8839       Cy:i:7539       UR:Z:120CF
3.3 Example of count Gene Expression Matrix
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef" {
   group      /
   group      /geneExp
   group      /geneExp/bin1
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/gene
  $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression  /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef | head -15
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef" {
  DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" {
        H5T_STD_U32LE "x";
        H5T_STD_U32LE "y";
        H5T_STD_U8LE "count";
     DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 76210618 ) / ( 76210618 ) }
     DATA {
     (0): {
     (1): {
  $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef | head -20
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef" {
  DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" {
        H5T_STRING {
           STRSIZE 32;
           CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
           CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
        } "gene";
        H5T_STD_U32LE "offset";
        H5T_STD_U32LE "count";
     DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 24670 ) / ( 24670 ) }
     DATA {
     (0): {
     (1): {
3.4 Example of count Sampling File
$ head -8 /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1_raw_barcode_gene_exp.txt
x y geneIndex MIDIndex readCount
9602 7705 10551 611723 2
4888 10392 10551 665954 4
8901 7096 10551 881671 1
8901 7096 10551 357383 20
7397 18783 10551 355789 1
9155 13032 10551 297666 1
9155 13032 10551 298690 1
4. register and imageTools
4.1 Registered Image
File /path/to/output/04.register/ssDNA_fov_stitched_transformed.tif and /path/to/output/04.register/ssDNA_SS200000135TL_D1_regist.tif.
4.2 Image Process Record File
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr
HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr" {
group      / 
group      /ManualState 
dataset    /Preview 
group      /StereoResepSwitch 
group      /ssDNA 
group      /ssDNA/CellSeg 
dataset    /ssDNA/CellSeg/CellMask
dataset    /ssDNA/CellSeg/CellSegTrace 
group      /ssDNA/ImageInfo 
dataset    /ssDNA/ImageInfo/RGBScale 
group      /ssDNA/QCInfo 
group      /ssDNA/QCInfo/CrossPoints 
dataset    /ssDNA/QCInfo/CrossPoints/0_0 
dataset    /ssDNA/QCInfo/CrossPoints/9_8 
group      /ssDNA/Register 
dataset    /ssDNA/Register/MatrixTemplate 
group      /ssDNA/Stitch 
group      /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/GlobalLoc 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeHorizontalJitter 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeJitterDiff 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeVerticalJitter 
group      /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval/GlobalDeviation 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval/StitchEvalH 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval/StitchEvalV 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/TemplatePoint 
dataset    /ssDNA/Stitch/TransformTemplate 
group      /ssDNA/TissueSeg 
dataset    /ssDNA/TissueSeg/TissueMask 

$ h5dump -A /path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr | head -20
HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr" {
GROUP "/" {
       CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;
       CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
    DATA {
    (0): "0.2.0"
 GROUP "ManualState" {
    ATTRIBUTE "calibration" {
          "FALSE"            0;
          "TRUE"             1;
4.3 ImageTools merge
Merged image of microscopy image ssDNA_SS200000135TL_D1_regist.tif and tissue segmentation mask file ssDNA_SS200000135TL_D1_tissue_cut.tif to check tissue segmentation performance.
Part of merged image of microscopy image ssDNA_SS200000135TL_D1_regist.tif and cell segmentation mask file ssDNA_SS200000135TL_D1_mask.tif to check cell segmentation performance.
4.4 ImageTools overlay
Stack stitching template onto the ssDNA_fov_stitched_transformed.tif to check the result of stitching.
Stack registration template onto the ssDNA_SS200000135TL_D1_regist.tif to check the result of registration.
5. tissueCut
5.1 Statistical Report for Tissue Covered Region
$ cat /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/tissuecut.stat
# Tissue Statistic Analysis with Stain Image
Contour_area: 87086375
Number_of_DNB_under_tissue: 36521212
Ratio: 41.94%Total_gene_type: 24289
MID_counts: 89679129
Fraction_MID_in_spots_under_tissue: 82.76%
Reads_under_tissue: 709807297
Fraction_reads_in_spots_under_tissue: 83.99%

Mean_reads_per_spot: 15.10
Median_reads_per_spot: 9.00
Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 1.71
Median_gene_type_per_spot: 1
Mean_Umi_per_spot: 2.46
Median_Umi_per_spot: 2

Mean_reads_per_spot: 3241.11
Median_reads_per_spot: 2782.00
Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 241.08
Median_gene_type_per_spot: 227
Mean_Umi_per_spot: 409.56
Median_Umi_per_spot: 370

Mean_reads_per_spot: 20054.45
Median_reads_per_spot: 18285.00
Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 1165.56
Median_gene_type_per_spot: 1133
Mean_Umi_per_spot: 2534.10
Median_Umi_per_spot: 2346

Mean_reads_per_spot: 78867.48
Median_reads_per_spot: 72545.00
Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 3110.83
Median_gene_type_per_spot: 3117
Mean_Umi_per_spot: 9964.35
Median_Umi_per_spot: 9205

Mean_reads_per_spot: 174614.34
Median_reads_per_spot: 162073.00
Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 4926.51
Median_gene_type_per_spot: 5065
Mean_Umi_per_spot: 22066.71
Median_Umi_per_spot: 20430

Mean_reads_per_spot: 305687.91
Median_reads_per_spot: 285723.00
Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 6424.38
Median_gene_type_per_spot: 6747
Mean_Umi_per_spot: 38621.50
Median_Umi_per_spot: 36060
5.2 Example of Gene Expression Matrix for Tissue Covered Region
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef" {
   group      /
   group      /geneExp
   group      /geneExp/bin1
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/gene
  $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef | head -15
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef" {
  DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" {
        H5T_STD_U32LE "x";
        H5T_STD_U32LE "y";
        H5T_STD_U8LE "count";
     DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 62542665 ) / ( 62542665 ) }
     DATA {
     (0): {
     (1): {
  h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef | head -20
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef" {
  DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" {
        H5T_STRING {
           STRSIZE 64;
           CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
           CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
        } "gene";
        H5T_STD_U32LE "offset";
        H5T_STD_U32LE "count";
     DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 24289 ) / ( 24289 ) }
     DATA {
     (0): {
     (1): {
5.3 Example of Gene Expression Matrix for a complete GEF
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef" {
   group      /
   group      /geneExp
   group      /geneExp/bin1
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin1/gene
   group      /geneExp/bin10
   dataset    /geneExp/bin10/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin10/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin10/gene
   group      /geneExp/bin100
   dataset    /geneExp/bin100/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin100/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin100/gene
   group      /geneExp/bin20
   dataset    /geneExp/bin20/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin20/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin20/gene
   group      /geneExp/bin200
   dataset    /geneExp/bin200/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin200/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin200/gene
   group      /geneExp/bin50
   dataset    /geneExp/bin50/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin50/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin50/gene
   group      /geneExp/bin500
   dataset    /geneExp/bin500/exon
   dataset    /geneExp/bin500/expression
   dataset    /geneExp/bin500/gene
   group      /stat
   dataset    /stat/gene
   group      /wholeExp
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin1
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin10
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin100
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin20
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin200
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin50
   dataset    /wholeExp/bin500
   group      /wholeExpExon
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin1
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin10
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin100
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin20
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin200
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin50
   dataset    /wholeExpExon/bin500
  $ h5dump -d /stat/gene /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef | head -20
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef" {
  DATASET "/stat/gene" {   
        H5T_STRING {
           STRSIZE 64;         
           STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;         
           CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;         
           CTYPE H5T_C_S1;      
        } "gene";      
        H5T_STD_U32LE "MIDcount";      
        H5T_IEEE_F32LE "E10";   
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 24670 ) / ( 24670 ) }   
      DATA {   
      (0): {         
      (1): {
6. cellCut
6.1 Example of Gene Expression Matrix for Cell Bins
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/051.cellcut/SS200000135TL_D1.cellbin.gef
  HDF5 "/path/to/output/051.cellcut/SS200000135TL_D1.cellbin.gef" {
   group      /
   group      /cellBin
   dataset    /cellBin/blockIndex
   dataset    /cellBin/blockSize
   dataset    /cellBin/cell
   dataset    /cellBin/cellBorder
   dataset    /cellBin/cellExon
   dataset    /cellBin/cellExp
   dataset    /cellBin/cellExpExon
   dataset    /cellBin/cellTypeList
   dataset    /cellBin/gene
   dataset    /cellBin/geneExon
   dataset    /cellBin/geneExp
   dataset    /cellBin/geneExpExon
7. saturation
$ cat /path/to/output/07.saturation/sequence_saturation.tsv
sample  bar_x   bar_y1  bar_y2  bar_umi bin_x   bin_y1  bin_y2  bin_umi
0.05    26687198        0.250475        1       20002730        26687198        0.273744        3030    7041
0.1     53374396        0.389862        1       32565765        53374396        0.409615        4045    11464
0.2     106748792       0.542456        1       48842313        106748792       0.557064        4962    17194
0.3     160123200       0.625182        1       60017028        160123200       0.636707        5435    21128
0.4     213497584       0.677501        1       68852648        213497584       0.6871          5778    24238
0.5     266871984       0.713814        1       76374913        266871984       0.722081        6052    26886
0.6     320246400       0.740741        1       83026752        320246400       0.748035        6234    29228
0.7     373620768       0.761599        1       89071589        373620768       0.768155        6381    31356
0.8     426995168       0.778242        1       94689701        426995168       0.784222        6528    33334
0.9     480369568       0.79188         1       99974373        480369568       0.797395        6639    35194
1       533743961       0.803326        1       104973406       533743961       0.808462        6718    36641
8. report
8.1 Example of Statistical Summary Report
$ head /path/to/output/
  "version": "version_v2",    
  "1.Filter_and_Map": {      
      "1.1.Adapter_Filter": [            
              "Sample_id": "E100026571_L01_trim_read_1",                
              "getCIDPositionMap_uniqCIDTypes": "645784920",                
              "total_reads": "1002214171",                
              "CID_withN_reads": "8031        (0.00  %)",                
              "mapped_reads": "845113606   (84.32 %)",
8.2 HTML Report


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