$ cat /path/to/output/01.mapping/E100026571_L01_trim_read_1_barcodeMap.stat ... getBarcodePositionMap_uniqBarcodeTypes: 645784920 total_reads: 1002214171 reads_with_polyA: 131113905 13.08% reads_filteredByPolyA: 22008148 2.20% mapped_reads: 826344259 82.45% reads_with_adapter: 9007116 0.90% reads_with_dnb: 42264284 4.22% barcode_exactlyOverlap_reads: 682746301 68.12% barcode_misOverlap_reads: 143590127 14.33% barcode_withN_reads: 7831 0.00% reads_with_rRNA: 0 0.00% Q10_bases_in_barcode: 99.54% Q20_bases_in_barcode: 97.49% Q30_bases_in_barcode: 91.74% Q10_bases_in_umi: 99.26% Q20_bases_in_umi: 96.32% Q30_bases_in_umi: 89.45% Q10_bases_in_seq: 99.47% Q20_bases_in_seq: 97.12% Q30_bases_in_seq: 91.08% umi_filter_reads: 8265089 0.82% umi_with_N_reads: 13025 0.00% umi_with_polyA_reads: 12365 0.00% umi_with_low_quality_base_reads: 8239699 0.82% mapped_dnbs: 75619113 ...
1.2 Statistical Report for Reference Genome Alignment
$ cat /path/to/output/01.mapping/E100026571_L01_trim_read_1.Log.final.out ... Number of input reads | 769052654 Average input read length | 95 UNIQUE READS: Uniquely mapped reads number | 645319822 Uniquely mapped reads % | 83.91% Average mapped length | 95.14 Number of splices: Total | 67634124 Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) | 65711163 Number of splices: GT/AG | 66445242 Number of splices: GC/AG | 457783 Number of splices: AT/AC | 41573 Number of splices: Non-canonical | 689526 Mismatch rate per base, % | 0.50% Deletion rate per base | 0.07% Deletion average length | 3.91 Insertion rate per base | 0.03% Insertion average length | 1.25 MULTI-MAPPING READS: Number of reads mapped to multiple loci | 87828411 % of reads mapped to multiple loci | 11.42% Number of reads mapped to too many loci | 5333051 % of reds mapped to too many loci | 0.69% UNMAPPED READS: Number of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0 % of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0.00% Number of reads unmapped: too short | 29365488 % of reads unmapped: too short | 3.82% Number of reads unmapped: other | 1205882 % of reads unmapped: other | 0.16% CHIMERIC READS: Number of chimeric reads | 0 % of chimeric reads | 0.00%
$ samtools view /path/to/output/01.mapping/E100026571_L01_trim_read_1.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | head -2 E100026571L1C007R00303973559 256 1 3000644 3 100M * 0 0 GCCTCATTGTGCCCCATATGTTTGCCTATGTTGTGGACTTATTTTCATTAAACTTTAAAACATCTTTAATTTTTTTCTTTATTTCATCATTGACCAAGCT -FCA9D?GFFD<-D<cgfegd-dg*fgfdfbe;e(9bgge38fffg9gg;0?ggfgb?e@g:ggg3gf79f0ggdg?g
$ head /path/to/output/02.merge/SS200000135TL_D1.merge.barcodeReadsCount.txt 7127 18002 48 4348 19028 1 14130 8635 1 7618 14537 24 4912 10945 5 16783 12914 1 15539 8177 1 9288 8082 14 7274 16533 59 9087 10657 10
3.1 Statistical Report for MID Filtering and Gene Annotation
$ cat /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.merge.q10.dedup.target.bam.summary.stat ## FILTER & DEDUPLICATION METRICS TOTAL_READS PASS_FILTER ANNOTATED_READS UNIQUE_READS FAIL_FILTER_RATE FAIL_ANNOTATE_RATE DUPLICATION_RATE 733148233 645319822 533743961 108363128 11.98 17.29 79.70 ## ANNOTATION METRICS TOTAL_READS MAP EXONIC INTRONIC INTERGENIC TRANSCRIPTOME ANTISENSE 645319822 645319822 484480416 49263545 111575861 533743961 110185975 100.0 100.0 75.1 7.6 17.3 82.7 17.1
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/exon dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene } } $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef | head -15 HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_U32LE "x"; H5T_STD_U32LE "y"; H5T_STD_U8LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 76210618 ) / ( 76210618 ) } DATA { (0): { 636, 12671, 2 }, (1): { $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 32; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "offset"; H5T_STD_U32LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 24670 ) / ( 24670 ) } DATA { (0): { "0610005C13Rik", 0, 45 }, (1): {
$ head -8 /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1_raw_barcode_gene_exp.txt x y geneIndex MIDIndex readCount 9602 7705 10551 611723 2 4888 10392 10551 665954 4 8901 7096 10551 881671 1 8901 7096 10551 357383 20 7397 18783 10551 355789 1 9155 13032 10551 297666 1 9155 13032 10551 298690 1
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /ManualState dataset /Preview group /StereoResepSwitch group /ssDNA group /ssDNA/CellSeg dataset /ssDNA/CellSeg/CellMask dataset /ssDNA/CellSeg/CellSegTrace group /ssDNA/ImageInfo dataset /ssDNA/ImageInfo/RGBScale group /ssDNA/QCInfo group /ssDNA/QCInfo/CrossPoints dataset /ssDNA/QCInfo/CrossPoints/0_0 ... dataset /ssDNA/QCInfo/CrossPoints/9_8 group /ssDNA/Register dataset /ssDNA/Register/MatrixTemplate group /ssDNA/Stitch group /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/GlobalLoc dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeHorizontalJitter dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeJitterDiff dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/ScopeStitch/ScopeVerticalJitter group /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval/GlobalDeviation dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval/StitchEvalH dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/StitchEval/StitchEvalV dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/TemplatePoint dataset /ssDNA/Stitch/TransformTemplate group /ssDNA/TissueSeg dataset /ssDNA/TissueSeg/TissueMask } } $ h5dump -A /path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/04.register/SS200000135TL_D1_20220527_201353_1.1.0.ipr" { GROUP "/" { ATTRIBUTE "IPRVersion" { DATATYPE H5T_STRING { STRSIZE H5T_VARIABLE; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } DATASPACE SCALAR DATA { (0): "0.2.0" } } GROUP "ManualState" { ATTRIBUTE "calibration" { DATATYPE H5T_ENUM { H5T_STD_I8LE; "FALSE" 0; "TRUE" 1;
$ cat /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/tissuecut.stat # Tissue Statistic Analysis with Stain Image Contour_area: 87086375 Number_of_DNB_under_tissue: 36521212 Ratio: 41.94%Total_gene_type: 24289 MID_counts: 89679129 Fraction_MID_in_spots_under_tissue: 82.76% Reads_under_tissue: 709807297 Fraction_reads_in_spots_under_tissue: 83.99% binSize=1 Mean_reads_per_spot: 15.10 Median_reads_per_spot: 9.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 1.71 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 1 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 2.46 Median_Umi_per_spot: 2 binSize=20 Mean_reads_per_spot: 3241.11 Median_reads_per_spot: 2782.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 241.08 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 227 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 409.56 Median_Umi_per_spot: 370 binSize=50 Mean_reads_per_spot: 20054.45 Median_reads_per_spot: 18285.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 1165.56 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 1133 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 2534.10 Median_Umi_per_spot: 2346 binSize=100 Mean_reads_per_spot: 78867.48 Median_reads_per_spot: 72545.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 3110.83 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 3117 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 9964.35 Median_Umi_per_spot: 9205 binSize=150 Mean_reads_per_spot: 174614.34 Median_reads_per_spot: 162073.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 4926.51 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 5065 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 22066.71 Median_Umi_per_spot: 20430 binSize=200 Mean_reads_per_spot: 305687.91 Median_reads_per_spot: 285723.00 Mean_gene_type_per_spot: 6424.38 Median_gene_type_per_spot: 6747 Mean_Umi_per_spot: 38621.50 Median_Umi_per_spot: 36060
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/exon dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene } } $ h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/expression /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef | head -15 HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/expression" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_U32LE "x"; H5T_STD_U32LE "y"; H5T_STD_U8LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 62542665 ) / ( 62542665 ) } DATA { (0): { 6148, 10906, 1 }, (1): { h5dump -d /geneExp/bin1/gene /path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/05.tissuecut/SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef" { DATASET "/geneExp/bin1/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLPAD; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "offset"; H5T_STD_U32LE "count"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 24289 ) / ( 24289 ) } DATA { (0): { "0610005C13Rik", 0, 24 }, (1): {
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /geneExp group /geneExp/bin1 dataset /geneExp/bin1/exon dataset /geneExp/bin1/expression dataset /geneExp/bin1/gene group /geneExp/bin10 dataset /geneExp/bin10/exon dataset /geneExp/bin10/expression dataset /geneExp/bin10/gene group /geneExp/bin100 dataset /geneExp/bin100/exon dataset /geneExp/bin100/expression dataset /geneExp/bin100/gene group /geneExp/bin20 dataset /geneExp/bin20/exon dataset /geneExp/bin20/expression dataset /geneExp/bin20/gene group /geneExp/bin200 dataset /geneExp/bin200/exon dataset /geneExp/bin200/expression dataset /geneExp/bin200/gene group /geneExp/bin50 dataset /geneExp/bin50/exon dataset /geneExp/bin50/expression dataset /geneExp/bin50/gene group /geneExp/bin500 dataset /geneExp/bin500/exon dataset /geneExp/bin500/expression dataset /geneExp/bin500/gene group /stat dataset /stat/gene group /wholeExp dataset /wholeExp/bin1 dataset /wholeExp/bin10 dataset /wholeExp/bin100 dataset /wholeExp/bin20 dataset /wholeExp/bin200 dataset /wholeExp/bin50 dataset /wholeExp/bin500 group /wholeExpExon dataset /wholeExpExon/bin1 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin10 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin100 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin20 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin200 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin50 dataset /wholeExpExon/bin500 } } $ h5dump -d /stat/gene /path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef | head -20 HDF5 "/path/to/output/03.count/SS200000135TL_D1.gef" { DATASET "/stat/gene" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STRING { STRSIZE 64; STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM; CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII; CTYPE H5T_C_S1; } "gene"; H5T_STD_U32LE "MIDcount"; H5T_IEEE_F32LE "E10"; } DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 24670 ) / ( 24670 ) } DATA { (0): { "Gm42418", 5860952, 60.1028 }, (1): {
$ h5dump -n /path/to/output/051.cellcut/SS200000135TL_D1.cellbin.gef HDF5 "/path/to/output/051.cellcut/SS200000135TL_D1.cellbin.gef" { FILE_CONTENTS { group / group /cellBin dataset /cellBin/blockIndex dataset /cellBin/blockSize dataset /cellBin/cell dataset /cellBin/cellBorder dataset /cellBin/cellExon dataset /cellBin/cellExp dataset /cellBin/cellExpExon dataset /cellBin/cellTypeList dataset /cellBin/gene dataset /cellBin/geneExon dataset /cellBin/geneExp dataset /cellBin/geneExpExon } }
$ cat /path/to/output/07.saturation/sequence_saturation.tsv sample bar_x bar_y1 bar_y2 bar_umi bin_x bin_y1 bin_y2 bin_umi 0.05 26687198 0.250475 1 20002730 26687198 0.273744 3030 7041 0.1 53374396 0.389862 1 32565765 53374396 0.409615 4045 11464 0.2 106748792 0.542456 1 48842313 106748792 0.557064 4962 17194 0.3 160123200 0.625182 1 60017028 160123200 0.636707 5435 21128 0.4 213497584 0.677501 1 68852648 213497584 0.6871 5778 24238 0.5 266871984 0.713814 1 76374913 266871984 0.722081 6052 26886 0.6 320246400 0.740741 1 83026752 320246400 0.748035 6234 29228 0.7 373620768 0.761599 1 89071589 373620768 0.768155 6381 31356 0.8 426995168 0.778242 1 94689701 426995168 0.784222 6528 33334 0.9 480369568 0.79188 1 99974373 480369568 0.797395 6639 35194 1 533743961 0.803326 1 104973406 533743961 0.808462 6718 36641
$ head /path/to/output/08.report/SS200000135TL_D1.statistics.json { "version": "version_v2", "1.Filter_and_Map": { "1.1.Adapter_Filter": [ { "Sample_id": "E100026571_L01_trim_read_1", "getCIDPositionMap_uniqCIDTypes": "645784920", "total_reads": "1002214171", "CID_withN_reads": "8031 (0.00 %)", "mapped_reads": "845113606 (84.32 %)",