There are no attributes of gene_name gene_id transcript_name transcript_id in gtf format (only gene_name and gene_id are needed for each gene)
There are no attributes of ID Name Parent in gff format (Parent is not needed for gene entities)
Multiple gene IDs are assigned to the same gene, as printed by log "Multiple gene IDs for gene xxx: id1, id2..."
Both forward and reverse strands are assigned to the same gene, as printed by log "Strand disagreement for gene xxx - skipping"
No transcript_id for transcript/exon, as printed by log "Record does not have transcriptID for gene xxx"
If a gene has multiple transcripts and the same transcript_id / ID, as printed by log "Transcript appears more than once for xxx"
start > end for some exons, as printed by log "Exon has 0 or negative extent for xxx"
There is overlap between exons of the same transcript, as printed by log "Exons overlap for xxx"
A gene has no transcript present, as printed by log "No transcript for gene xxx"
ps: One contig with multiple genes sharing the same gene_name will merge them into one.